Dominicans Working for Peace

Members take action on specific issues, local and global, as individuals and as members of other networks.


Long running issues include:

  • Rights of our Indigenous Peoples
  • Refugee Policy
  • Human Trafficking
  • Dangers to the Environment



Action On Homelessness

173,000 Australians are on public housing waiting lists. We can house all our homeless. What we lack in the will to do it. Write to your Federal and State members regarding this.


Letter Writing: Effective Action For Justice

In a public lecture during a campaign for Justice, the speaker said: “I have worked for politicians all my working life. “I can assure you, they really do take notice of letters from individuals.”

It was great to hear this assurance, an answer to those who maintain politicians take no notice of such letters. Dominicans have a saintly precedent for this effective action, in St Catherine of Siena. She was not highly educated, nevertheless she wrote to State and Church Leaders and greatly influenced them.

Most of us feel ill-informed to venture to write on justice issues. You may wish to obtain guidance from some experts who have done research on issues, eg: The sample letters may be used as a template. It is more effective to create your own wording.

May St Catherine of Siena help us in our efforts to bring about justice through letter writing.


Recognition Of Our Indigenous Peoples




The Tablet


Final Statement of the Salamanca Congress on Human Rights 2016


10th Asia Pacific Dominican Family JPCC Conference

Negombo, Sri Lanka 3 - 7 November 2018

The Diversity of the Missions of the Dominican Family

On the occasion of its 800 years, the Dominican Order invited participants to join in a competition. The brief was to form a team and shoot a three minute video on the diversity of the missions of the Dominican family.

Selected videos were shown during the Congress for the mission of the Order which was held from the 18th to the 20th of January 2017 in Rome.