
“Dominic trudged across Europe begging, in the silent desert of his soul, for a Word of life to give to those he met along the way. Preaching was his passion; begging for the Word, with the soul of the poor, was his path.”

Brian Pierce op
Preaching from a Wooden Bench 2011


"St Dominic on his way to Fanjeaux", Kerrie Ninni 2004

"Dominican spirituality is a living reality today...         It is handed on (or distorted) by Dominicans living now, who reshape the Dominican family story here and now with an eye to the situation in the world and the church, the cultural historical situation of the moment..."

"...without a living relationship to the present, any talk about Dominican spirituality remains a purely historical preoccupation with the part of the Order (often an excuse for neglecting tasks which are urgent now)."

"Dominican spirituality is a living reality which is to be realized among us now.  Otherwise we simply repeat stories which others have told for a long time, as though we ourselves did not have to write our own chapter in what is of course a story which had already begun before us."

                                     Edward Schillebeeckx OP






"The Dominican Story is only valid if it takes up the thread of an earlier story, that of Jesus of Nazareth, and brings it up to date in its own way".

Edward Schillebeeckx OP 


“What we proclaim cannot be separated from the lives we live. Do we live what we say we believe?”

Edward Schillebeeckx OP