DSI Participation in the UN Commission on the Status of Women,

3 March 2019 | General Interest

Over the past several years, the New York office has worked in close collaboration with DSI in an effort to remind our Sisters that the UN position in New York is an international position — representing Dominican Sisters and Brothers throughout the world. 

Sr Jill OP to represent the Asia Pacific

Our Dominican presence at the UN serves as a way to witness to the Gospel message we hear from our Brothers and Sisters on the frontiers.

It is a way to speak truth to the world community and to participate in the ongoing discourse on social justice and human rights.

Our presence at the UN facilitates our capacity to intervene in violations of human rights and promotes networking and collaboration among members of the Dominican Family who are engaged in work on behalf of human rights.

Priority Theme 2019: Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.