Dominican Month for Peace

16 December 2018 | General Interest


We the people of this country have been living through decades of devastating wars with ongoing massacres and human rights violations perpetrated by government forces and scores of opposing armed groups who, along with many foreign powers and companies, are scrambling to extract the rich natural resources of the country.

Promote a global Dominican solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are trying to bring hope in situations of violence and war.

Four times the size of France, the DRC is characterised by a poor adminstration of justice, massive and systematic violations of human rights, and a crumbling economy resulting in poverty, misery, a high unemployment rate, illegal exploitation of its resources and especially armed conflicts of all kinds. 

The Dominican family  (Dominican Missionaries of the Rosary, Dominicans of Santo Domingo, St Dominic's Parish in Kinshasa) is involved alongside the most vulnerable and underprivileged, accompanying them both in the promotion of human rights and through civic and electoral education.