Life Ascending

Life Ascending Australia is a member of a worldwide spiritual movement which was begun in France not long after World War 11.


Life Ascending is for mature Christian men and women who make a commitment to coming together regularly and finding a joyful fulfillment through Christian witness to the three values of Spirituality, Loving Service and Friendship.

  • Spirituality: meeting the Lord in Scripture, sharing our love of the Faith, reflecting in prayer on what the Lord is telling us in the Sunday readings.
  • Loving Service: going out to others in the ordinary days of our lives, giving time in letter writing to those in need e.g. prisoners on death row, prisoners of conscience, those in mourning, helping with parish activities if able to do so.
  • Friendship: joining with each other in meetings, having a “cuppa” with other members and discussing what is important to us, finding new friends and new interests, social activities

The movement was begun in Australia by Sr Patricia OP in October 1999 and it now has approximately 200 members mostly in Sydney though it is expanding to the Dioceses of Wollongong, Melbourne, Tasmania and Parramatta.

An International Conference is held every four years at which delegates from the 80 member countries attend. The Australian delegates have been fortunate in attending three such conferences: Bangkok 2002, Lourdes 2006, and Quebec 2010.

A special conference was held for leaders at Fatima (Portugal February 2012)

The movement has Papal approval and belongs to the Pontifical Council of the Laity.

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